FREYA Logo FREYA WP2 User Story 2 As a software author, I want to be able to see the citations of my software aggregated across all versions, so that I see a complete picture of reuse.

Software development process involves versioned releases. Consequently, different software versions may be used for scientific discovery and thus referenced in publications. In order to quantify impact of a software, its author must be able to capture the reuse of the software across all its versions.

This notebook uses the DataCite GraphQL API to retrieve metadata about software titled: Calculation Package: Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation, including all its versions, so that its overall reuse can be quantified.

Goal: By the end of this notebook, for a given software you should be able to display:

Install libraries and prepare GraphQL client

Define and run GraphQL query

Define the GraphQL query to retrieve metadata for the software titled: Calculation Package: Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation using its DOI.

Run the above query via the GraphQL client

Display total software metrics

Display total number of citations, views and downloads across all versions of software: Calculation Package: Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation.

Plot metric counts per software version

Plot stacked bar plot showing how the individual versions of software: Calculation Package: Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation contribute their metric counts to the corresponding aggregated total.