FREYA Logo FREYA WP2 User Story 10 As a funder, we want to be able to find all the outputs related to our awarded grants, including block grants such as doctoral training grants, for management info and looking at impact.

Funders are interested in monitoring the output of grants they award - while the grant is active as well as retrospectively. The quality, quantity and types of the grant's outputs are useful proxies for the value obtained as a result of the funder's investment.

This notebook uses the DataCite GraphQL API to retrieve all outputs of FREYA grant award from European Union to date.

Goal: By the end of this notebook you should be able to:

Install libraries and prepare GraphQL client

Define and run GraphQL query

Define the GraphQL query to find all outputs of FREYA grant award from European Union to date.

Run the above query via the GraphQL client

Display total number of works

Display the total number of FREYA grant award outputs to date.

Plot number of works per quarter

Display a bar plot of number of FREYA grant award outputs to date, per each quarter of project's duration.

Display de-duplicated works in tabular format

Display the outputs of FREYA grant award in a html table, including the number of their citations, views and downloads. Note that the outputs are de-duplicated, i.e. outputs that are versions of another output are excluded.

Plot number of outputs per resource type

Plot as a pie chart the number of FREYA grant award outputs per resource type.

Display an interactive plot of co-authorship relationships across all outputs

Display an interactive chord plot representing co-authorship relationships across all FREYA grant award outputs.

Plot number of outputs per license type

Plot as a pie chart the number of FREYA grant award outputs per license type.

Plot license type counts per resources type

Plot stacked bar plot showing how each type of FREYA grant award outputs contributes their license type counts to the corresponding aggregated total.